A San Diego personal injury lawyer will work tirelessly to obtain a settlement and notify you of any obligations you must fulfill for your case.
Your Case Will Likely Settle Before Trial.
Only a few personal injury cases will go through the entire lawsuit process without settling sometime during the lawsuit process. You should also expect your case to settle, but your San Diego personal injury attorney won't be able to estimate when it will settle.
If Your Case Proceeds to a Lawsuit
Once the lawsuit begins, your San Diego personal injury lawyer will go over your responsibilities which include answering interrogatories and attending a deposition. Here are some of the things your lawyer will ask you to do during litigation:
- Don't lose contact with your lawyer.
- If there is a change in your address, phone number work status, marital status, or your injury, relay the information to your lawyer promptly.
- Give a response to your lawyer's letters and phone calls that request contact.
- Fill out and acquire documents requested by your attorney as soon as possible.
- Maintain medical bills and lost-income documentation and give them to your lawyer.
- Avoid getting into trouble with the law. Any criminal activities you commit can be used against you in court.
- Any conflicts with your employer can also be used against you in a trial. Avoid confrontations at work to keep your job.
Lawyer's Fee and Other Possible Costs
If you agreed to a contingent fee agreement, you will have to pay additional percentages if your case proceeds to a lawsuit. You should not be surprised by any extra fees since your lawyer will make such requirements clear before accepting your case. You need to understand that litigation can be a difficult, long term process that requires a significant amount of resources. Your lawyer will be responsible for numerous tasks including:
- Preparing documents for court
- Taking depositions
- Researching the law
- Corresponding with the relevant players (you, the defense attorney, witnesses and doctors)
- General preparation for trial.
- Your lawyer will also require additional personnel such as secretaries, paralegals, and associates to assist with the case as the file increases in size.
If you require an experienced San Diego personal injury lawyer to take over your, personal injury case, please call the California Law Centers at 619-667-3743. The initial consultation is free.
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